About De Vlijt

De Vlijt organises the intake of temporary skilled workers, for all Feadship companies. Of course we go for the best!

The mission of hiring company De Vlijt is to recruit the very best, temporary skilled workers for all Feadship companies. Important, given the growth of our company and the yachts that demand our undivided attention.

Being a good employer is leading

De Vlijt is the youngest company in the De Vries Group. It was founded in 2018. Being a good employer is guiding the activities of De Vlijt. This is part of the De Vries DNA; a plus for those who enter our companies through De Vlijt. In addition, De Vlijt guarantees proper compliance with laws and regulations.


De Vlijt organises the hiring of temporary skilled workers and specialists. We are happy to make your acquaintance.

Temping agency Flex and self-employed